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The bull market just turned 10. Even last year, on its ninth anniversary, we were already in the midst of the longest bull market in history.
And with major indexes still hovering near or above their all-time highs, the current bull market may still not be over.
Or, it could be about to transition to a bear.
Trouble is, we can't be sure either way.
The thing about bull markets is they can have dramatic ends… or they can fizzle out with a whimper, where practically no one even notices a gradual, broad-based decline.
And that's where the really pernicious danger lies.
It's also why, over the next several years, so-called "alternative investments," investments that aren't stocks and that don't tend to correlate with stocks, are much more likely to outperform those conventional holdings.
That makes right now the perfect time to buy – so you're ahead, profiting all the way, when the bull runs out of steam…
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About the Author
Browse Peter's articles | View Peter's research servicesPeter Krauth is the Resource Specialist for Money Map Press and has contributed some of the most popular and highly regarded investing articles on Money Morning. Peter is headquartered in resource-rich Canada, but he travels around the world to dig up the very best profit opportunity, whether it's in gold, silver, oil, coal, or even potash.
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